• Watt-Meter Lending
Welcome to the Hub's Watt Meter Lending Program!
What is a Watt Meter?
A Watt Meter is an instrument that lets you measure the amount of electricity a given appliance uses. It can tell you the number of watts the appliance uses at a given moment and it can tell you the number of kilowatt-hours the appliance uses over a period of time.
Computers and appliances account for 24% of the electricity used by the average office (Energy Information Agency 2003 data). Simple efficiency measures can help to reduce this consumption, resulting in dramatic environmental benefits and financial savings. You can take the first step toward achieving these savings by inventorying your appliances and electronics and using a Watt Meter to help you see how much electricity each one uses.
The Hub has a supply of watt meters available for Finger Lakes business and home owners to borrow. In addition to the borrowed meter, participants receive an informational packet that includes step-by-step instructions for conducting an electricity use inventory and a series of recommendations explaining how to apply the results to achieve maximum savings in your electricity bill.
Watt Meter Lending Overview for Homes
Watt Meter Lending Packet for Homes
Watt Meter Lending Overview for Offices
Watt Meter Lending Packet for Offices
Watt Meter Worksheet