About the Hub
The Green Resource Hub of the Finger Lakes is a non-profit organization that aims to expand the marketplace for sustainable living in the Finger Lakes region through consumer education, workforce training, and professional development. Through collaborations with like-minded local groups, the Hub works to nurture sustainable businesses and communities.
Our Sponsors
The Hub is grateful to the following organizations for their financial contributions to Hub efforts: The Park Foundation, Cornell University, Ithaca College, Tompkins County Solid Waste Management Division, and the Elmira-Corning Community Foundation. We would also like to thank the following organizations for their fiscal umbrella services: Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, and Sustainable Tompkins.
Our Focus Areas
The Hub provides education, training, and networking opportunities in the following areas:
Energy efficiency...
- How can I maximize energy savings in my home or business?
- What are the most cost effective energy-saving projects for my situation?
- What kind of financial incentives exist for energy efficiency projects?
Renewable energy...
- Would wind, solar, and/or geothermal work for my home or business?
- What are the advantages of being on the grid vs. off the grid?
- What kind of financial incentives exist for renewable energy projects for homes and businesses?
Green building...
- How can I renovate my existing home or business to be more sustainable?
- What are the options available for building a new green home or business?
- What companies could I hire to construct a green building or perform green renovations?
Green purchasing...
- What are some common products that are naturally produced or biodegradable?
- Where can I purchase green products outside of Ithaca?
- How do I balance the various factors that distinguish green products, such as local vs. organic?
The Hub is about bringing people together on every level. Even our events and projects are typically collaborations with like-minded organizations.
Our Partners
Sustainable Tompkins (ST)
The Hub grew out of a working group of Sustainable Tompkins, a local coalition dedicated to promoting economic vitality, ecological stewardship, and community well-being.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County (CCE-TC)
The Southern Tier Energy Smart Communities Program and the Agriculture & Environment Program of CCE-TC have provided staff support for the consumer education and green collar workforce development activities of the Hub.
Ithaca Green Building Alliance (IGBA)
The Hub has had an ongoing relationship with IGBA, a local trade association of green builders and energy service providers who promote green building through education, networking and community involvement.The Hub has also co-hosted a variety of educational seminars and workshops with the following organizations: Ithaca Forward, Home Green Home, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County, Ithaca College, Corning Community College, Renewable Energy Group of the Southern Tier, and the Finger Lakes Sierra Club.