Tompkins County Workers' Center
Our vision statement is our dream for the world we want to live in. The vision of the Tompkins County Workers� Center is that all people are respected in the workplace, have a Living Wage, the right to organize, quality health care, housing, childcare, transportation, and access to healthy food and water, as guaranteed by the Declaration of Universal Human Rights as ratified by the United Nations in 1948. Our grassroots leadership is dedicated to getting rid of the root causes of poverty and injustice in the larger society and capitalist economy. We have raised standards, held institutions accountable, and built leadership as part of local, statewide and global networks to transform the economic system. The leadership of the Workers� Center has active and equal participation from all the social groups in our county, including people of all class, racial and ethnic backgrounds, immigrant statuses, genders, sexual orientations, religions, ages, and abilities. The Workers� Center operates with a deep sense of acceptance and respect, and promotes our personal growth within the organization. We use creative tools and strategies to make our work joyful and fun. We build a sense of connection and community through strong, supportive relationships. We are open and ready to cooperate and join with others in the movement for social and economic justice.
The Mission of the Tompkins County Workers� Center is to stand up with all people treated unfairly at work or faced with critical poverty, racial, housing, health care or other social and economic issues. We will support, advocate for, and seek to empower each other to create a more just community and world. Advocacy. We advocate with and on behalf of workers regardless of employment status who are being treated unfairly: to correct problems, end workers� rights violations, improve conditions and set standards of employer behavior. Movement-Building. We educate and shape community values and standards of economic rights and employer behavior through networking, coalition-building and solidarity. Support. We listen, provide information, encouragement and strategize with workers through our hotline, trainings, outreach, presentations and tabling. Empowerment. We encourage and deepen grassroots leaders� organizing skills to create change in their own and others� lives.
Nikki Sayward
(607) 269-0409
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• Service Provider
• Community Assistance
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