Roman Lighting
My goal in working with LED lights is to provide a lighting solution that has an efficiency of at least 100 lumens per watt. Currently the industry standard is any where from 25 to 70 lumens per watt. This is far lower than is should be as currently the most efficient commercially available LED has an efficiency of 132 lumens per watt.
I make custom LED lights and fixtures tailoring to the application, utilizing the most current emitters possible. Many lighting companies are using old Luxeon 1 and Luxeon 3 because they are cheap. The downside to using old technology is that the performance just isn�t there. For example, Luxeon LEDs have an efficiency of about 30 lumens per watt vs 100 lumens per watt with new Cree LEDs. Using these emitters is like using gasoline that is somewhat cheaper but only give you 10 MPG instead of 30 MPG with the more expensive gasoline. Using 5 year old technology doesn�t make sense because it does not utilize any of the LED advancements made in the last 5 years. Currently I use Cree LEDs in most of my lights because of their superior performance offering over 100 lumens per watt of light output.
Roman Lilligren
• Manufacturer
• Retail/Supplier
• Service Provider
• Energy Efficiency
• Green Products
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